Introducing the SUV Program

A reliable, flexible and cost-effective path to permanent residency
in one of the world's happiest, safest, and entrepreneur-friendly countries.


The Startup Visa Program

A reliable, timely and flexible path to Canadian permanent residency and citizenship


One of the least expensive RBI programs anywhere
in the world

Quality of destination

Canada is consistently ranked among the top places to live year over year

of capital

Should a Letter of Support not be granted, we provide
a full refund


PR is awarded between 12 months and 33 months from submission of application


No age, education or source of funds requirements

Lack of restrictions related to your:


Net worth

Academic background

Source and path of funds

Five Key Requirements

1. Open a new Canadian business

2. Financial ability to sustain your family

3. Basic proficiency in English or French

4. Lack of criminal record

5. Letter of Support

What kind of businesses are eligible?

Demonstrate the potential for innovation

Potential to grow, hire locally and sell internationally

Requires your personal attention in Canada

The Canada SUV Program offers the most flexibility of any program today

Selection Criteria

Successful applicants pass
two major types of criteria:

Launch a business that is selected by Canadian DBO (incubators, angels or VCs)

Selection Criteria

Successful applicants pass
two major types of criteria:

Personal Characteristics

Extremely competitive environment

Less than 1% of applicants earn a Letter of Support from the Canadian community

Extremely competitive environment

Less than 0.5% of applicants earn a Letter of Support from Canadian Incubators

The program’s popularity is soaring

Since 2018, applications for the SUV program have rapidly increased

Canada’s SUV cost is much less expensive than the world’s most popular RCBI programs

Over the last three years, the global RCBI industry has undergone massive changes: SUV cost is much less expensive than the world’s most popular RCBI programs

Program Terminations

EU Parliament have golden visa and golden passport programs in their crosshairs.

Program Price Hikes

Minimum investment amounts have grown by 30% or more.

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Three Stages to Canadian Permanent Residency